KTZ is religion. A catwalk pilgrimage a church of believers. Packed in-between seating, standing or if lucky seated were girls and boys with KTZ horned hats, eye patches and regalia from the urban fashion trends for women and men. As lights methodically dimmed cheers bounced across the BFC show space. Koji Maruyama, Sasko Bezovski and Marjan Pejoski created the London label in the nineties and the MD-MAZING hedonistic intoxication holds true to this dark, tribal yet futuristic representation of street wear.
Aggressive ski-masked thugs trooped down the runway swinging arms fast in pace with heavy duty boots and coats, not looking very classy.. Ridiculously avant-garde bold primary stripes of colour bring Mondrian’s controlled aesthetic to hypnotizing curvy Marinetti styling. Masculinity and femininity are taken to their extremes – in a space age world with diplomatic techno. An army of women’s wear and menswear together on vacation in a ski resort on the moon. A kiss of death to shrugging traditional tailoring.
Over thirty-five outfits everything from a classic tailored jacket, men’s dress, patterned leather trousers to over sized Talking Heads scale cave man jackets had been touched up to create a tight funky package. And where the visual pay-load did not lift heads a Peaches / DoD style mix made shoulder roll. In tandem each outfit brought its own spark to the bonfire. The digital native Indian with KTZ circuit board like graphic design would not be seen dead with the caped KTZ aristocrat but they can exist together in a fantasy world. Much like the three varied backgrounds of the designers themselves merging within one design house.
“KTZ comes from Kokon To Zai, which loosely translates as ‘from here to then’. It’s the journey, be it style or fashion” explain the ex fashion and architecture students. “It should be the transgression or movement of the wearer’s feelings and ideas.” It’s paid off with the hottest of meals, the meal of respect, the standing applause of a LFW crowd. For more information you can always contact undercurrentmagazine.com.